Webinar: Få styr på VSME - EU's nye frivillige standard for bæredygtighedsrapporting
Formål EU-Kommissionen har for nyligt lanceret den såkaldte Omnibus-pakke, der skal forenkle kravene til virksomhedernes bæredygtighedsrapportering og styrke EU...
Forstå de nye ISO-krav om klimaændringer (online)
Formål I februar 2024 offentliggjorde International Accreditation Forum (IAF) og International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ændringer til de generiske...
I alt 695 DKK -
APQP4Wind Specialist Refresher Training (Online)
Formål By combining lectures, workshops and practical exercises, the purpose of the online APQP4WIND Specialist Refresher Training is to update and refresh know...
I alt 5.500 DKK -
APQP4Wind Specialist Training (Online)
Formål By combining lectures, workshops and practical exercises, the APQP4WIND Specialist Training will give you an understanding of the APQP4Wind framework, th...
I alt 13.000 DKK -
APQP4Wind Management Awareness Refresher Training (Online)
Formål The main purpose of the APQP4WIND Management Awareness Refresher Training is to update and refresh your knowledge of the APQP4Wind framework, the rationa...
I alt 3.500 DKK -
APQP4Wind Management Awareness Training (Online)
Formål By combining lectures, workshops and practical exercises, the Management Awareness Training will give the management a basic understanding of the managem...
I alt 4.000 DKK -
ISO 14001: Webinar netværk
Der opleves et øget fokus på klima, ESG, bæredygtighed og miljø. ISO 14001 indeholder mange elementer, som kan bruges netop i disse opgaver. Deltag på dette onl...