
FemernNews - now in English

The construction of the world's longest immersed tunnel is an international mega-project with European perspectives. Therefore, Nordiske Medier is now launching a weekly newsletter for our international readers.

The construction of the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link, FBFL, is progressing.

At the construction site in Rødbyhavn, the casting of the enormous tunnel elements has begun and preparations for unlocking the potential of the fixed link are underway.

Scheduled to open in 2029 and spanning a distance of 18 km, the FBFL will not only connect Denmark and Germany but also become the world's longest immersed tunnel, linking Scandinavia with the European continent. This is why the European Commission is providing financial support for the construction.

The team behind the construction consists of five significant contracts, an international team of 15 Danish and international contractors. At the site, 8 out of 10 workers have nationalities other than Danish.

That is the reason why Nordiske Medier and FemernNews are launching a weekly newsletter in English, editor in chief Søren Dietrichsen explaines.

Click here to sign up for the newsletter

- While the FBFL has been a focal point for the Danish public, we want to provide further support to the international audience. The idea is to create awareness within the international community about this mega-project that has attracted significant international interest, Søren Dietrichsen noted.

FemernNews covers the technical, political, environmental and international aspects of this extensive infrastructure investment. This coverage will only increase as the construction progresses.

Every week articles in Danish will be translated and published on FemernNews.dk. The newsletter will be sent free of charge. However, readers will need a subscription to access the content.

- We strive to provide a comprehensive perspective on the FBFL and look forward to welcoming our international readers, says Søren Dietrichsen.

Click here to sign up for the newsletter

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