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WEBINAR: TwinCAT 3 Motion Designer - Updates and new functions

Balanced dimensioning of the drive axes and making the right choice in terms of the motor, gearbox, drive controllers, and accessories constitute the foundations of efficient machine design. With the TwinCAT 3 Motion Designer, designers can build, analyze, and optimize typical mechanics such as rack and pinions, ball nuts, winders, or crank gears in no time at all.

In this webinar, Kai Krieger from Drive Technology Application Software presents updates and new functions for the TwinCAT 3 Motion Designer.

The following topics will be looked at:

  • AMP8xxx and AMI81xx motor design
  • AL8xxx and AA3xxx design
  • calculation of thermal load for motors and servo drives

Join the webinar Thursday 14 March at 17.00

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Beckhoff Automation ApS
Birkemose Allé 1
6000 Kolding
Kolding Kommune
CVR nummer: DK28283571


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